[Leica] IMG: Seen Along the Way

Bernard Quinn bjq1 at mac.com
Wed Feb 11 06:54:15 PST 2015


I am in very much the same situation as you. I have one good eye and one which is a freeloader, as if were. My situation is not as dire, though, because I can get by with it if I have to. My Grandfather and my Great Grandfather both went blind. Had I been born when they were rather than when I was then I would be blind, too. 

The fact that I have been spared so far doesn't mean that I do not understand what this trip and its destination are all about. I have spent enough time on this road to know what it is all about. It is a horrendous anxiety for anyone. I can not imagine what it must be like for a world class professional photographer. I imagine that it would have to add new dimensions to the word nightmare.

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep in mind that you have many, many friends here who are willing to walk with you on this journey no matter where it leads, and the destination is not necessarily a foregone conclusion. Friends to walk with you may not seem like much sometimes, but at the end of the day that and love are all a home of us really have.

Take care,


Barney Quinn, WK3Z
C: (301) 775-1386
H: (301) 654-0938

> On Feb 11, 2015, at 1:36 AM, Ted Grant <tedgrant at shaw.ca> wrote:
> Hi Barney,
> I have another appointment next week where some serious decisions are going
> to be made.
> In my case I only have my left eye with site. The right eye basically goes
> along for the daily free ride adding nothing to the situation. If I lose the
> left eye?  I'M BLIND! 
> So I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
> cheers,
> ted
> -----Original Message-----
> From: LUG [mailto:lug-bounces+tedgrant=shaw.ca at leica-users.org] On Behalf Of
> Bernard Quinn
> Sent: February-10-15 5:59 PM
> To: Leica Users Group
> Subject: Re: [Leica] IMG: Seen Along the Way
> Dear Dr. Ted,
> Thank you for your kind words. I am concerned about your rising eye
> pressure. Have they tried laser surgery?
> Barney
> Barney Quinn, WK3Z
> C: (301) 775-1386
> H: (301) 654-0938
>> On Feb 9, 2015, at 2:51 PM, Ted Grant <tedgrant at shaw.ca> wrote:
>> Barney Quinn OFFERED:
>> Subject: [Leica] IMG: Seen Along the Way
>>>>> Three months ago, after working well for thirty years, my Glaucoma
>> medications failed and the pressure in my eyes rose to dangerous levels,
>> Early last November I had surgery for Glaucoma. Today, three months later,
>> was the first time I felt good enough about my vision to head out on a
> drive
>> to look for pictures. I drove over to the Eastern Shore to see what I
> could
>> see. What I saw was this sunset in the Blackwater Wildlife Refuge. I offer
>> this picture to my surgeon, Dr. Kenneth Karlan, in thanks for saving my
>> eyesight.
>> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Barney/Sun1_tonemapped.jpg.html
>> Hi Barney,
>> Smashing great sunset! Good on you and your eye Doctor! It seems my
> glaucoma
>> meds maybe slipping as the eye pressure has increased in my right eye
> where
>> it will go blind, rather than the minimal sight in it at present. In any
>> event we shall see? :-)
>> A fine photograph indeed!
>> cheers,
>> Dr.ted
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