[Leica] El Rocio in Catalunya 1

lluisripollphotography lluisripollphotography at gmail.com
Mon Dec 21 18:33:36 PST 2015

El Rocio is a traditional pilgrimage in Andalucia, in Catalonia there is a lot of immigrated people and they have keep their traditions here. 

I shoot these pictures last May during 4 days, here is a pre-selection and I will post about 150 pictures (I’ve shoot around 1000).

These first pictures correspond to the arrival of the Vierge in a truck and the transport to the “Campaign Church”

All these pictures are made with Leica MM, Elmarit 24, 28  asph, Summilux 35, 50 and 75.


Thanks for looking! your c&c are welcome and appreciated

Saludos cordiales

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