[Leica] IMGS: Burnt Mill Bar

Frank Filippone red735i at verizon.net
Sun Dec 20 07:50:40 PST 2015

Sure was a dark bar... Personally I like the shot of Tom and the owner..... 

Some of the intimidation factor comes from the big lenses on SLRs.  The 24-90 on the SL is no different.
Some comes from the big camera.  ( I do not think the SL is big enough to cause this)
Some comes from the combination of both.....

Wait till there is a non-zoom AF lens, and try again....  I'll bet you get different results.....

Were you manually focusing the SL or allowing it to AF?

Frank Filippone
Red735i at verizon.net

Thanks, Gerry.  Yes, the baby powder is for putting on your hands so they don't stick to the pool cue.  Taking both cameras was an experiment on my part to see which one handled the almost no light in the bar best.  I knew it was going to be dim.  My conclusions are that the SL is much easier to focus but the MM is much less noticeable - about what I expected.  I think I would have to take 10x as many photos with the MM to get the same number in focus that I did with the SL, but it's probably worth it for discretion
- even though nobody objected to being photographed with either.


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