[Leica] IMGS: Burnt Mill Bar

Jay Burleson leica at jayburleson.com
Sat Dec 19 18:59:07 PST 2015

Fabulous, Tina!


On 12/19/2015 4:19 PM, Tina Manley wrote:
> We took a break from remodeling today and went with a friend to an oyster
> roast in Blacksburg.  Those photos I'll process tomorrow.  On the way back
> we stopped at a "secret" bar about 10 miles from our house, way through the
> woods and on back roads by a creek. We would never have found it on our
> own, but we will go back.  Here are a few photos:
> http://www.pbase.com/tinamanley/image/162135387
> And hit NEXT for 14 times.  This is a mixture of SL and Monochrom.  The SL
> was much easier to focus!  I converted a few of those photos to B&W.
> I would appreciate any opinions.  This is not a camera test.  I used
> different lenses and ISOs and exposures, whatever happened to fit the
> situation.
> Thanks,
> Tina

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