[Leica] IMG: Presidential Fleet at Andrews 1964

Jim Nichols jhnichols at lighttube.net
Fri Dec 11 16:52:10 PST 2015

Glad to touch a bit of history for you, Douglas.  Sorry the Connie was 
not first in line, so you could have a better view.  But, by this time, 
the jets had taken over, and the Connie was assigned to more mundane 

Of course, the C-54 we were in was not pressurized, so our night flight 
home to Tennessee from Washington was well below 10,000 ft, over a 
landscape lit up by the jewels of the cities and towns we passed above.  
I will always remember that flight.

Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA

On 12/11/2015 6:34 PM, Douglas Barry wrote:
> Nice evocative image for me, Jim. I love your old images.
> I remember the Constellations well. My Dad got us into one on the 27th 
> April 1958 and seven year old me got to sit in the cockpit briefly. 
> How do I know the date?
> http://www.seaboardairlines.org/misc/aer_lingus-1.htm
> Because I was told it was flying back to the US the following day on 
> the new transatlantic route from Ireland. That plane made a big 
> impression, as I never saw so many dials before.
> Just before that, on the same day, I was also allowed sit at the 
> controls in the Earl (Marquess) of Kildare's Cessna which certainly 
> seemed a lot simpler and didn't have a quarter as many dials. The Earl 
> - later Duke of Leinster - was a fairly colourful individual...
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerald_FitzGerald,_8th_Duke_of_Leinster
> Thanks for jogging my memory.
> BTW that B25 raid that took off from a carrier - amazing pilot skills!
> Douglas
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jim Nichols" 
> <jhnichols at lighttube.net>
> To: "LUG at Leica-Users.org" <lug at leica-users.org>; "Olympus Camera 
> Discussion" <olympus at thomasclausen.net>
> Sent: Friday, December 11, 2015 10:55 PM
> Subject: [Leica] IMG: Presidential Fleet at Andrews 1964
>> I rode an Air Force C-54 into Andrews AFB in 1964 on a business 
>> trip.  As we prepared to leave the airport, I saw the presidential 
>> transport fleet all lined up in the sun.  I suspect that the 
>> Constellation is Columbine III, which Ike used until he left office.
>> I suspect this was Kodachrome, but can't recall for sure.  Shot with 
>> my Leica IIIa and Coated Elmar 50/3.5.
>> http://www.gallery.leica-users.org/v/OldNick/Presidential+Fleet+at+Andrews+AFB+1964_001.jpg.html 
>> Comments and critiques welcomed.
>> -- 
>> Jim Nichols
>> Tullahoma, TN USA
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