[Leica] IMG: A Railroad Visit

Jim Nichols jhnichols at lighttube.net
Thu Dec 10 12:34:21 PST 2015

While running errands this morning, I stopped downtown to get a picture 
of our small "Caboose Park" and its Christmas tree.  Before I could find 
the proper spot to frame my image, I was interrupted by a container 
train.  Here are three images.

The front of the CSX engine as it entered the crossing:

The Old Red Caboose, in the left lower corner, has been replaced by the 
"Orange Box", shown attached to the final car of the train:

But, as an old railroad town, we have preserved our own Old Red Caboose 
alongside the main CSX line downtown:

Olympus E-1 (because it loves red) with Takumar 50/1.4

Comments and critiques welcomed.

Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA

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