[Leica] M Sighting--Victoria's Secret Leica!
Howard Ritter
hlritter at bex.net
Wed Dec 9 05:36:47 PST 2015
Thanks, Dr Ted. Glad to give you a chuckle.
> On Dec 8, 2015, at 11:03 PM, Ted Grant <tedgrant at shaw.ca> wrote:
> OH MY GOSH! That's the funniest bit of on screen human nature humour I've read in a while! J
> if my Irene were still here with me should have re-acted just as similar as your wife! Both in relation to camera, models and most certainly the testosterone! J
> cheers,
> ted
> -----Original Message-----
> From: LUG [mailto:lug-bounces+tedgrant=shaw.ca at leica-users.org] On Behalf Of Howard Ritter
> Sent: December-08-15 7:31 PM
> To: Leica Users Group; MUGers at yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [Leica] M Sighting--Victoria's Secret Leica!
> Just before turning off the TV after the preview of next week’s “NCIS New Orleans” (yes, that is the actual reason that I caught this!), I saw the first few seconds of the Victoria’s Secret TV special on CBS. For a fraction of a second, there was a (staged, I’m sure) scene of what purported to be The Press Breathless With Excitement. There was the obligatory fellow with the Scary Big Nikon and, in the left foreground, a highly decorative young lady with a demure M6 in front of her face (since it was a film camera I know it was staged). From the position of the preview lever and the appearance of the lens, I think it was a 35mm ‘cron. Maybe ‘lux.
> The scene appeared for only a fraction of a second, I think, but my recognition circuitry flashed “LEICA ALERT!”, though I had to rewind and pause for a longer look to identify the model (of the camera!). My wife, watching all this, was dumbfounded that in that brief glimpse casually seen I was able to recognize the camera as a Leica. (She said the camera is not what I was supposed to be looking at.) I explained that in my sixth decade of Leica-ing, the Leica M “gestalt” is so imprinted in my brain that nothing escapes my notice. As with all of us.
> She wants me to have my testosterone level checked.
> —howard
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