[Leica] IMGS: Comparing SL and M240 and 19R and Noctilux

Mark Rabiner mark at rabinergroup.com
Wed Dec 2 12:28:46 PST 2015

For everyone on the list for 17 years tradeing in their M's for  major
modern high tech wonderfulllness no ones posted the out of focus picture
they took with the M which cinched the deal. I've tended to think I'm afraid
they just got bored with the camera.
I can say my eyes get worse every year and I get stronger glasses to make up
for it. Thicker.
And whenever I beak out my M's or LTM' s they just work. I pretty much never
miss my focus.  And my focus never goes out of alignment.
But if I had seven grand burning a hole in my back pocket maybe I'd be
talking differently.  Maybe I'd forsake ground glasses and Leica
triangulation and get an EVF based body which lights up in the inside and
says "kiss me baby" and gives me a Hershey candy kisses when I take a good
Or maybe I'd be getting the new digital M or M monochrome. Which I think I'd
use till I'm 95 and drop dead while out shooting with it with a big smile on
my face and not one shot out of focus.
That's 30 years from now. Everyone else would have gone hologram. Not me!

On 12/1/15 2:55 AM, "Philippe" <photo.philippe.amard at gmail.com> wrote:

> read knew please
> and MET
> Miss NYC BTW
> Ph
> Le 1 déc. 2015 à 08:53, Philippe <photo.philippe.amard at gmail.com> a écrit :
>> I new it was there
>> Ph
>> Le 1 déc. 2015 à 08:48, Jeff Moore <jbmmllug at jbm.org> a écrit :
>>> Maximum Exposure Time ... effective
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Mark William Rabiner

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