[Leica] Buying from Hong Kong camera shops

Jay Burleson leica at jayburleson.com
Tue Dec 1 11:22:39 PST 2015

I've bought two new Leica lenses from an E-Bay seller known as 
powerseller228, aka M&K Kamera Trading, who are in Hong Kong.
Both transactions were very fast and had no problems, and the cost 
savings were considerable (35% off the MSRP).
Leica will warranty all NEW items purchased from anywhere in the world 
(authorized dealer or not), the caveat is that you will have to send it 
directly to Germany for any needed warranty service, instead of your 
local service center.
I have no problems with buying new lenses and accessories this way.
If you are contemplating a digital body though, just be aware of the 
warranty implications.

Never personally dealt with Breguet, but I have not heard or read 
anything bad about them, just good.


On 12/1/2015 11:10 AM, BRUCE wrote:
> I'm wondering if any of the members have purchased anything from any of the Hong Kong camera shops who advertise on eBay. In particular, I would like info, feedback concerning Breguetcamera. Anything, good or bad. They claim that the goods come with manufacturer's warranty. Are there any gotcha's in this ragard.
> Thanks in advance.
> Bruce R. Slomovitz

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