[Leica] M6 TTL / SCA Confusions

Gerry Walden gerry.walden at icloud.com
Sun Aug 16 11:13:19 PDT 2015


you don’t say which flash unit you have but the Metz site says the correct fitting for the M6TTL is the 3502 (not the 3501). I have a 3402 shoe which is clearly marked M6 on a sticker, and it appears to work on the M9, but again the correct one according to Metz is the 3502. here is a link to the complete compatibility chart at Metz:


Oops, it is a bit long so make sure you copy it all into your browser.

Hope that helps.


Gerry Walden LRPS
+44 (0)23 8046 3076 or
+44 (0)797 287 7932

> On 16 Aug 2015, at 19:04, Craig Schroeder <craig at craigschroeder.com> wrote:
> I've got an M6 TTL headed my way in the next week and I was checking out my strobe combos that I currently have and to sort out compatibility issues.  The M6 manual lists the SCA 3501 as the correct module.  I have a number of SCA 300 flash units and am accustomed to swapping modules for different systems.  The 3501 module looks smaller in photos and seemingly doesn't stretch across the entire SCA 300 piece but looks to have the same shaped slot, etc.  I live in a rural area, far from metro/store resources and need to lean on the net and user groups for guidance.  Can anyone steer me correct a bit on this?
> I wasn't originally focused on the M6 but it came along with a lens deal that I made and made sense as a package so I'm on a quick M6 study course....
> -- 
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