[Leica] Sale on Lightroom

Frank Filippone red735i at verizon.net
Wed Apr 22 22:52:40 PDT 2015

Keywords are probably OK, but edits?  Not so sure.....especially if the edits are done with a feature that is not available in previous versions that you own rather than rent....

Frank Filippone
Red735i at verizon.net


Who knows... I would not expect to get cloud data back (but then I never store stuff there exclusively) and your local data would be fine, but keywords/edits etc.....


-----Original Message-----

Does Adobe say what would happen if they decide to stop offering CC one of these year? [And they will when CC is no longer popular or something better comes along]. Does all your stored data on your computer and in the CC cloud still accessible/usable?


> On Apr 22, 2015, at 12:41, Robert Rose <robert.rose at mac.com> wrote:
> Lightroom 6 has been released, and for those who are interested there is a sale on the subscription versions today and tomorrow at B&H.  One year for price of 10 months.
> The subscription version is now called Lightroom CC, and comes packaged with Photoshop CC in the �Photographer�s Package.�
> The standalone version is called Lightroom 6.
> There are a lot of misconceptions about Lightroom CC.  For example, I thought that part of the program ran through a browser, and that it was necessary to be connected to the Internet.
> What actually happens is quite different.  Full copies of Lightroom and Photoshop are downloaded.  You do all your work off-line. Depending upon your plan and how often you want to check for updates, once every one to three months you �phone home� (maybe at a Starbuck�s) and in a few seconds (to a few minutes for an update) you are goo to go. 

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