[Leica] Sale on Lightroom

Robert Rose robert.rose at mac.com
Wed Apr 22 09:41:51 PDT 2015

Lightroom 6 has been released, and for those who are interested there is a sale on the subscription versions today and tomorrow at B&H.  One year for price of 10 months.

The subscription version is now called Lightroom CC, and comes packaged with Photoshop CC in the “Photographer’s Package.”

The standalone version is called Lightroom 6.

There are a lot of misconceptions about Lightroom CC.  For example, I thought that part of the program ran through a browser, and that it was necessary to be connected to the Internet.

What actually happens is quite different.  Full copies of Lightroom and Photoshop are downloaded.  You do all your work off-line. Depending upon your plan and how often you want to check for updates, once every one to three months you “phone home” (maybe at a Starbuck’s) and in a few seconds (to a few minutes for an update) you are goo to go. 

Robert Rose
robert.rose at mac.com <mailto:robert.rose at mac.com>
www.robertrose.photos <http://www.robertrose.photos/>

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