[Leica] IMG: Friday Flowers - the solution

Sonny Carter sonc.hegr at gmail.com
Mon Apr 13 06:02:52 PDT 2015


I don't find Friday Flowers a chore, more like a challenge.   It really
isn't about the flowers, but that they make excellent consenting subjects
for natural light photography.  I try ever so hard to avoid shooting them
all the same way.

Sure, I didn't originate the phrase Friday Flowers, but I did bring it to
the LUG, and I've posted EVERY Friday for about eleven years.   It has
become a popular feature, getting 700-1000 visits on a Friday, and more
trickle in over the week.   I post to the LUG, Leica, Seephoto, PAW, and
Leicareflex lists, and I have a subscription list of 280 people.  I also
post on my Facebook page.

Even the week I got my new knees, I had some shots banked and was going to
get someone to post in my behalf. However,  I was out of the hospital by
Friday and did it myself.  The third week, I went out and shot new spider
lilies at a neighbor's house.

I've never done a rerun, and only twice did I shoot inside my house.   One
week I shot at a plant nursery, but had other choices. Sometimes I wish I
had a greenhouse!

Luckily, I live in a temperate zone; I have Adrene's lovely garden across
the street, and Natchitoches is a garden town, so I almost always have
something to shoot, even though once it was a miniature orange instead of a

If you'd like a cruise to the past, go to http://sonc.com/look/?cat=4   or
more at my my old site, http://www.sonc.com/friday

On Sat, Apr 11, 2015 at 1:23 PM, Douglas Barry <imra at iol.ie> wrote:

> Do you find that finding a flower for Friday is a chore? Go to one of
> these places and you'll find it easy!. I have to thank my wife and our new
> naked garden for the excuse to visit... Fuji X100S
> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/DouglasBray/Oddments/
> Flowers+etc/FF100415_Nursery.jpg.html
> Of course, there's always the flower shop...
> Personally, I found it too easy.  Really it's a bit like going elephant
> hunting in the local zoo. As the summer slides in, I'm going out into the
> wild to see what I can find
> Douglas
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Natchitoches, Louisiana
Oldest Permanent Settlement in the Louisiana Purchase


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