[Leica] SD Card Questions, M(240) Gear head Edition

Mark Rabiner mark at rabinergroup.com
Fri Apr 10 16:57:38 PDT 2015

If you get  40,000 image for a 100 dollar 1 tb hard disk I get  "0.0025"
Does this mean one quarter of a penny per shot?
100 / 40000  = 0.0025

If so I'd call that "free".
How many shots do I get for a dollar. I'm math challenged.

On 4/10/15 7:49 PM, "Ken Carney" <kcarney1 at cox.net> wrote:

>> 1TB, at 24 MB per image = 40,000 images.  Give or take a few thou......
>> 2TB = 80,000 images.

Mark William Rabiner

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