[Leica] More on the Canon f1.2

Bill Pearce billcpearce at cox.net
Sun Apr 5 20:21:45 PDT 2015

I once owned a Canon f 1.2 lens, and I'm sorry I sold it. I got it in the 
days of sloooow film for the speed, but it was fun and would be so today. Ah 

-----Original Message----- 
From: Larry Zeitlin via LUG
Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2015 5:20 PM
To: lug at leica-users.org
Subject: [Leica] More on the Canon f1.2

This discussion of $7000 Noctilux(s) touched my parsimonious soul. For a 
diffident amateur photographer like me how useful can a saucer sized piece 
of glass be? Now that I don't have to push Tri X to take pictures of black 
cats in coal cellars or?people in a dimly lit bar an ordinary f2.8 lens is 
fine with a digital camera. I described my love/hate affair with my 50+ year 
old Canon 50mm f1.2 lens in a previous post. So today I tried snapping a 
picture of the junk on my coffee table on an overcast day in my dimly 
illuminated living room. Not bad. It was sharp enough at f1.2 for a 
newspaper although not necessarily for a glossy magazine. The table was 
about 1 meter away. The total depth of field is only a couple of inches. The 
glass is in focus but the paper plates just in front and just behind are 
blurred. Focusing without a rangefinder is difficult but my Olympus digital 
Pen camera has a zoom viewfinder mode that makes it possible. The 4/3 frame, 
half the size of a 35mm film frame,
uses only the sweet center of the image circle so all the edge fringing is 
minimized. Here is the image and a picture of the lens on the camera. I 
really need a Nocti or is it an ego thing? The Canon lens costs only 5% of 
the Nocti price.


Larry Z

Leica Users Group.
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