[Leica] Easter or Passover Flowers in a shop window 28 1.4

Mark Rabiner mark at rabinergroup.com
Sun Apr 5 12:36:08 PDT 2015

As I'm acquiring a compete set of the five Nikon new 1.8's;
20,28,35, 50 and 85mm's...
The 28 will be my last lens to get as I feel odd about it as I have this
amazing 28 1.4 to shoot with and it feels like the department of redundancy
Its just I want the complete since all lightweight glass mid priced with
very friendly ergonomic interfaces.
The 1.4 is very heavy and awkward. The results being worth it. But its very
heavy and awkward. It weights what my Zeiss 50 for Hasselblad weighs. Or my
80 to 300 zoom nikkor.

I spent most my life thinking that the difference between f 1.8 and f 1.4
was about an 8th of a stop or less. So I could not understand the fuss of
using a huge expensive 85 1.4 or even a 50 instead of a cheaper lighter and
no less sharp 1.8.
Turns out with the internet I can ascertain that its not an eight stop
difference but almost a full stop. 3/4's of a stop to be pretty exact.
So an f 1.4 would seem to be much more likely to be worth it at least to me.
In the end I'll have both and find out which is good for what..

On 4/5/15 3:25 PM, "Mark Rabiner" <mark at rabinergroup.com> wrote:

> 4/4/12, 9:48:16 PM Easter or Passover Flowers in a shop window NIKON D700,
> 28.0 mm f/1.4 Nikkor, 1/100 s at f/1.4, @ iso 1100
> Smells to me like the East Side. Old money, Texas Tea.
> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/lugalrabs/fridayflowers/120404_214816b.jpg.
> html
> Or
> http://tinyurl.com/odvbmzn

Mark William Rabiner

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