[Leica] Screw the Nocti...

Frank Filippone red735i at verizon.net
Sun Apr 5 07:07:12 PDT 2015

The 28 went popular with the M8 where the angle of view was roughly the same
as a 35 on film.
Before and after, not so much.... the 35 dominates.

The other "odd" or unpopular was the 24.  The 21 was always more popular. 

And, as a corollary, in Leica-dom, newer is ALWAYS better.... ASPH trumps,
APO sells, and last years' lenses are always inferior.

You figure this out more when you are trying to sell your surplus lenses...
not when you are buying them.....  

Frank Filippone
Red735i at verizon.net

28mm is an odd duck. If you are comfortable with 35mm, then the 28mm is a
bit superfluous. On the other hand, 21, 28 and 50 do make a good spread.

Personally, I prefer 24, 35, and 50.

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