[Leica] IMG: Homage to Leonard Nimoy

Richard Man richard at richardmanphoto.com
Sun Apr 5 04:47:16 PDT 2015

So I am starting another 4x5 portrait project called "The Worldbuilders of
Science Fiction and Fantasy." For the inaugural image, I photographed
Wanda, who is a friend, but also notably written one of the well known
episodes of the 2nd season of the Star Trek: Next Generation. The kicker is
that it was the first script she had ever written, but more on that later.

Anyway, after finishing photographing, I was about to do our audio
interview and the subject of Leonard Nimoy came up. Wanda said that while
they had never met, Leonard Nimoy was her mentor and inspiration. Then she
said that actually there was a famous photo of Nimoy standing in front of
his car. She said she wouldn't presume to copy Mr. Nimoy but asked if we
could take a snapshot with a digital camera.

I thought about it (sadly mainly about the price of film, at $4 a sheet, it
IS expensive) and said, "lets go ahead and take out the 4x5 again." I
looked at the image on the web (*) and said, "I know exactly where there is
a power substation in town." It is only 10 minutes away and here's the


Enjoy. More on Wanda later.

(*) Here's a link to the Nimoy photo (search for "Spock Fairlane") : <

// richard <http://www.richardmanphoto.com>
// http://facebook.com/richardmanphoto
// https://www.facebook.com/Transformations.CosplayPortraits

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