[Leica] For Sale: pristine Nocti .95
Mark Rabiner
mark at rabinergroup.com
Fri Apr 3 14:36:02 PDT 2015
My Nocti f1 focused perfectly on two M6's. One much older than the other.
So I'm not ok with the idea that its a thing you have to have specially
calibrated for a certain body and so on. I think the thing just works.
On 4/3/15 5:04 PM, "John McMaster" <john at mcmaster.co.nz> wrote:
> I don't tend to use my Noctilii at f5.6, nothing wrong with it just I would
> use a different 50mm if I was expecting that. It can be difficult to get the
> f1 focussing calibrated accurately but it can be done. The 90AA is not at its
> best at closer focussing distances, should be updated with FLE like the
> 75AA....
> john
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Rabiner
> I'm glad to know that John that the f1 has no problems with digital as I
> thought there were a few threads to the effect on this list a long while
> back. And that this had been corroborated in the real world. Having spent all
> that money on a lens I'm glad and gotten great results with it with film its
> nice to know if I ever lay my hands on a Monochrom or M240 I'd be able to
> shoot f1 with it and be there and get that look. Didn't they say it messed up
> at f5.6? Focus shift?
> If I ever got a digital M I'd certainly give it a shot.
> Aspherically I have the 21 and 24 Elmarit's, the 35 Summicron and the 90 Apo
> asph Summicron another lens which in my dreams I heard people saying was a
> problem with digital.
> On 4/3/15 4:27 PM, "John McMaster" <john at mcmaster.co.nz> wrote:
>> I own both Mark, not sure what issues the f1 has with digital? My f1
>> focusses fine on all my Ms but the F0.95 front focusses slightly on
>> the Monochrom :-( I enjoy my Leica lenses where I can get a very
>> different, but equally good quality, images with a 75mm Summilux or
>> the 75mm APO Summicron. I am not aware of any other system like this,
>> with Hasselblad and Canikon etc you tend to need the latest lenses as
>> they catch up ;-)
>> john
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Mark Rabiner
>> I would also like to see side by side comparisons but the meantime I'd
>> think the new lens is better than the old one (which I have) on all
>> accounts. This is a key lens in the Leica lineup with high visibility
>> promo value and the last lens Dr. Andreas Kaufmann is going to mess up in any
>> respect.
>> The f1 has trouble with digital. A huge embarrassment for the Leica company.
>> This one costing three times more money and having the fastest design
>> available is not going to have any glitches in it. Its going to be worth it.
>> Leica has the resources to make sure this is the case.
>> Its common on at least this the list to assume that a lens with an
>> aspheric element in it has a harsh look with ruined bokeh. Leica went
>> to bed and woke up stupid.
>> Its as if it goes without saying so that people will make solid
>> statements to this effect without even seeing this first hand on a new
>> lens it not questioned by anybody.
>> I've have four M lenes with aspherics in them and have found that
>> first hand to not be true. Each generation of Leica glass, Nikon too
>> and I'd think Canon gets sharper with better contrast and god forbid
>> they'd forget much better bokeh. As this aspect of a lens is all anyone cares
>> or knows about any more.
>> I find this worship of old glass to be puerile. Even multi coating is
>> looked upon with a negative slant and older simpler coatings revered.
>> They even say this improves film speed. Pay extra for a single coated
>> lens. Less contrast means better shadow detail. Like never.
>> The lens or camera companies are highly competitive and none of them
>> are stupid. The general level of optical engineering improves every minute.
>> I always with few exceptions get the latest a camera company has to
>> offer unless I cant afford it or its no longer made or its more
>> compact or something. If I get old glass I don't claim they make
>> better images. They make cheaper images.
>> On 4/3/15 3:18 PM, "John McMaster" <john at mcmaster.co.nz> wrote:
>>> The f1 can create 'dreamier' images, the f0.95 is a bit harsher. I
>>> read a few years back about someone who had both; he used the f0.95
>>> if he was going somewhere and had to get a photo (stopped down it is
>>> almost as good as any Leica 50mm) but used the f1 in his own time for
>>> personal images. The colours from the f0.95 and gorgeous but the f1
>>> is also significantly smaller and lighter!
>>> john
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> Or maybe it's just nostalgia...
>>> Even if it's purely emotional, I just can't justify having something
>>> this expensive that makes me feel guilty not loving it.
>>> Sue
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Apr 3, 2015, at 10:04 AM, Robert Adler <rgacpa at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> There is something lovely and unique about the "older" Notcti's
>>>> indeed! I agree that there is some secret ingredient missing in the
>>>> new 0.95's. I think if I were to see some side-by-side shots I might
>>>> be able to better see a difference.
>>>> Good luck with the sale: many love and produce beautiful images with it.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Bob
>>>>> On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 8:29 PM, Susan Ryan <skalte at icloud.com> wrote:
>>>>> I shot maybe 100 images with it. Just don't love it the way I did my 1.0.
>>>>> $9000. Photos available. Paypal preferred but we can discuss
>>>>> alternatives if necessary. Contact me offlist.
>>>>> Sue Ryan
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