[Leica] how do you organize the lenses in your camera bag?

Frank Filippone red735i at verizon.net
Fri Dec 26 13:39:57 PST 2014

I tried that.. it does not work.  The head of the screw as well as the nut
on the other side, stick up too far to clear some of my WA lenses.  Tried a
round head screw, a 6 sided machine bolt type, etc.

And if you force a screw head into your lens' glass, well, maybe that
explains why so many Leica lenses are sold with scratches on the back

There was a guy on Ebay that was selling metal rear lens caps.  Really
nicely made.  I bought a few.  The depth of the cap was not enough to fit
the back of the lenses...another failure.

I just finished epoxying the 2 caps together.  I first sanded off the back
of both caps.  Thuis was done by sanding the backs against a flat plate (
MDF) that had glued on sandpaper.  Took about 3 minutes to sand off the
backs evenly.

More to follow....

Frank Filippone
Red735i at verizon.net

I think if I were home-building a rig to hold two lenses worth several
thousand dollars each together, I'd invest in drilling a hole between the
two caps and poking a fifty cent stainless steel bolt through the hole, and
secure it with a twenty cent stainless steel lock washer and a thity cent
stainless steel lock nut.

Just my two  cents worth of advice.

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