[Leica] how do you organize the lenses in your camera bag?

Frank Filippone red735i at verizon.net
Thu Dec 25 22:45:05 PST 2014

I assure you that Silicon Caulk, that usually sticks to just about anything,
is NOT a long term solution.....

I am going to try the epoxy this time......

Frank Filippone
Red735i at verizon.net

I have used this method for years, i.e. gluing two rear caps together, with
different brands. The standard operating procedure is to buy cheap rear caps
on ebay, file them down as necessary with the Dremel tool, and fuse them
together properly with 2-part Epoxy, not just glue. This is bulletproof and
works great. Currently my Fuji X and Leica M lenses are carried this way.


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