[Leica] IMG: Pt. Lobos on WSNKT Day

Ted Grant tedgrant at shaw.ca
Wed Dec 24 13:12:10 PST 2014

Down there on the coast of California there was a not bad shooter. ;-) ANSEL
ADAMS I believe it was? 

A rock & fern kinda guy! Not a bad beach, ocean waves, mountains and sand
chap? OH yes and I believe he did somethlng with a "half moon?"  Or was it a
"Half mountain?" 

He was quite good actually. But it had much to do with his developing
system, I believe? Something to do with a ZONE SYSTEM ? JUST LIKE A "SPEED
ZONE AROUND SCHOOLS" I could never figure out how to use it" 

Because by the time the light and subject passed me while counting the
zones? The Olympic race was over!" And I missed the shot! :-(

STUPID!" Click!

NOW WE HAVE A NEW CHAP............ "ROBERT ADLER" I believe? Damn fine
shooter really, puts this Adams chap to shame using benches and pianos on
the beach! :-) Far more entertaining to say the least. A damn fine lad all
round and doesn't use some weird counting zones kind of stuff!"" I believe
his system is sort of?? "SEE---SHOOT! SAVE!" :-) Awww the simplistic aspect
of "Don't think, just shoot!" :-) 

While on the topic of ZONEs? There's only one zone in the world worth paying
super attention to?

It's called "THE DEMILITARY ZONE!" Between N. & S. Korea! Don't bother with
it.....just don't go there!:-) Been there, don't go as there are guys with
guns who would like to destroy you for taking pictures. 

One can only say about this fine/imaginative photog Robert Adler?

"Hey Bob, just keep doing what you do with yer voodoo beach camera magical
eyes!! click!"

Oh yeah and have an absolutely wonderful Christmas Day and a 2015 year, if
not the best in yer life!

Dr. ted 


-----Original Message-----
From: LUG [mailto:lug-bounces+tedgrant=shaw.ca at leica-users.org] On Behalf Of
Robert Adler
Sent: December-23-14 9:21 PM
To: Leica Users Group
Subject: [Leica] IMG: Pt. Lobos on WSNKT Day

On Winter Solstice/Nocitilux/King Tide day (last Sunday...)

And if you like color...

Bob Adler

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