[Leica] New postings

Ted Grant tedgrant at shaw.ca
Wed Dec 3 10:54:36 PST 2014

Subject: Re: [Leica] New postings


Hi Luis,
I like this one the best. :-) The painter.

A suggestion if you ever come across this same scene, same location?  MAYBE?????? Would require some extra gear? ;-) Sorry.. A bunch of gear! :-)

It would require a Leica long lens and probably an SLR?  Using the 280mm f2.8 ? Also trying the 1:4 extender making the lens an f4. 400mm? Or the 2X extender making the lens a 560mm, f5.6 OR wild and crazy... Using both extenders creating an f. 8.0  800mm lens. You can hand hold this if you were 30 years old. :-) Yep been there and hand held it like that a long long time ago! :-) aaahhhh The wonderful days of youth and long glass! :-) 

 However I strongly suggest a monopod for best results. Yeah someone will say use a tripod!! NEVER ! They're just a big pain in the butt if you are shooting on the street! The monopod is bad enough as it slows you down from a quick KISS shot!

Using the lens wide open.. this will make the background quite out of focus behind the painter making him standout quite sharply from the all out of focus back ground. OR maybe not?? What the heck, I'd give it ago if it were me. Sometimes you only learn if it works or not by shooting it!

Yeah I know it's easier to describe than to shoot it! :-)

But if all the gear were available it might be an interesting effect?  MAYBE? :-)


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