[Leica] SONY A7 new model.....

Frank Dernie Frank.Dernie at btinternet.com
Thu Nov 27 01:51:09 PST 2014

Quite so.
Why they would change the microlens orientation to make the sensor suitable for a type of lens very few photographers use, thereby making it less good for their own lenses???????
They would be daft.
Maybe it would be cost effective to do a special body for symmetrical (ish) lens types but probably the market is too small to recoup the development costs over the likely tiny production volume.
Can’t see it ever happening myself.
Frank D.

> On 27 Nov, 2014, at 05:38, John McMaster <john at mcmaster.co.nz> wrote:
> It will be no better than the previous A7 with shorter Leica lenses, WATE being about the only lens shorter than 50mm which plays well and even then some were unhappy, as sensor is unchanged and best with retrofocus lenses....
> john
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bob Adler
> Agree. 
> Curious to hear how it handles with wide angle lenses. 
> Also specs seem to tout IS and in camera processing mated best to Sony lenses. Concerns me a bit if used with Leica lenses. 
> Looking forward to Lugger real life experiences, Bob

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