[Leica] SONY A7 new model..... Adapters.....

Frank Filippone red735i at verizon.net
Wed Nov 26 21:21:03 PST 2014

I have a Novoflex brand for Leica M. Quite nicely made.  And priced to

I have a Fotga for Nikon F and it is a piece of junk.  The lens release does
not work right, such that the gadget takes a screwdriver to remove it from
the lens.... Anyone that wants it can have it for the cost of shipping....

Metabones gets good reviews.....  and is available on Amazon.  They have a
OM mount adapter....  So does Novoflex.

Frank Filippone
Red735i at verizon.net

what M or OM adapters can anyone recommend?


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