Frank Filippone red735i at verizon.net
Sun Nov 23 15:19:06 PST 2014

My Dad did it too.... and never regretted it.  About age 85.

My Father in law was different....   We are out together doing some errand
when he tells me he always goes out shopping early in the morning, when
there are no people on the road, because he can not see the people any
more....  His car "mysteriously" broke down the next day, and when he
finally agreed to giving up his license, the car "mysteriously" started to
work again.... but moved out of his "reach"

My Grandfather was so bad, that he would bring along one of the grandkids
when he went out.  Their job was to tell him when the lights were green and
when there was no cross traffic....  The cops took his away after a pretty
minor accident.....

It is a hard decision. It takes away your freedom to get around. But it also
requires someone to be with the person whenever the need arises, and that
companionship is good.   

I hope to be as courageous as Ted and my Father....

Good for you Ted!

Frank Filippone
Red735i at verizon.net

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