[Leica] Photographers I met along the way

Aram Langhans leica_r8 at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 18 12:11:48 PST 2014

Always interesting to see how other people take pictures.  From medium format to cell phones, they all have their techniques.  Here are a few I saw in our two month trip.

Most can be viewed large.

>From the top of Independence Pass in Colorado.  First snow of the season had fallen the previous night and this day it was windy and cold, but that does not stop the dedicated selfie photographer

In Old Town Albuquerque, is this considered large format photography?

And a few weeks ago in Yosemite.  Yosemite always abounds with photographers, many traditional


And many not...

Tree hugger:


Lots of selfies with dogs.  Of course, dogs are not allowed on many of the trails

And my wife helping someone out by taking their photo and discussing the results

Comments welcome.


Aram Langhans
(Semi) Retired Science Teacher
& Unemployed photographer
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