[Leica] Leica S (Type 006) Firmware update.....

John McMaster john at mcmaster.co.nz
Tue Nov 11 10:20:10 PST 2014

A pedant writes.....

The S2/S2-P update is, it adds support for the 100mm Summicron,  and between that and a lens firmware update have improved the AF even more, particularly with the 120mm APO-Macro which used to hunt (~540 degree barrel rotation) at times.

The S(006) had update but that was pulled then rereleased as which improves several things...


-----Original Message-----

The latest Leica S2 firmware updated version is apparently available.

Leica says it is the best update they have ever updated...

Since I have no S Leica, .. Unless they mean a Sony Leica. 

You think?

Frank Filippone

Red735i at verizon.net

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