[Leica] Street photography in B&W?

George Lottermoser george.imagist at icloud.com
Sat Nov 8 05:02:41 PST 2014

Pointing a camera at a subject and pushing the shutter release is certainly an extremely easy act.
Auto exposure and auto focus make it essentially a thoughtless act. Requiring no thought until you see that the lens focused on the tree behind your two friends because the tree was in the middle of the frame and your friends weren't.


Fine, thoughtful, important color photography is certainly no "easier" than fine, thoughtful, important black and white photography.

The moment that you give the color in a photograph the attention it deserves "easy" evaporates into the pursuit of excellence.

a note off the iPad, George

On Nov 7, 2014, at 9:51 PM, Tina Manley <tmanley at gmail.com> wrote:

> Just because
> color is possible and easy doesn't mean it's always the best choice!

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