[Leica] IMG: "Mette and Bryan / Odd, Vashta Nerada, and Lady 'Moisturize Me' Cassandra"

Richard Man richard at richardmanphoto.com
Tue Oct 28 05:20:10 PDT 2014

(I hope you "normal" large format photographers appreciate my
non-traditional LF format subjects...)

Me: For the "Casual," lets position you two here, so we can get the
reflection of the building and your mirror images...
Bryan: Wait, but wouldn't we see you in the reflection? How about if we...
Mette: *hush* lets hear what Richard has to say...
Me: this is why I use this big-ass old style camera, I know how to handle

"Mette and Bryan / Odd, Vashta Nerada, and Lady 'Moisturize Me' Cassandra"

For the https://www.facebook.com/Transformations.CosplayPortraits project.


// richard <http://www.richardmanphoto.com>
// http://facebook.com/richardmanphoto
// https://www.facebook.com/Transformations.CosplayPortraits

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