[Leica] Do you remember why you joined the LUG?

George Lottermoser george.imagist at icloud.com
Thu Oct 16 03:59:33 PDT 2014

On Oct 16, 2014, at 4:17 AM, Douglas Barry wrote:

> The quote "Me no Leica" was the first time I realised that Leica was a quality camera. I'd heard of Leica cameras growing up, but never realised just how good they were, as any noises off from cognoscenti were just vague puffs from the background babblestream.
> Back in the 80s, I was involved with mountain running, did a bit of journalism on the side, and the eds also always wanted pictures to go with the articles, so I upgraded my Zenith to a Pentax Spotmatic, discovered what sort of composition was needed, and submitted my slides for nearly twenty years. Then digital came along and changed everything. Editors wanted digital output and fast - even the monthlies I generally wrote for.
> To find out about digital, I went to the local camera club, saw their stuff, and instead of buying a digital camera, bought a medium format folder that night on fleabay. I moved completely away from sports, fell in love with street photography, studied the various books and famous photographers. They were all holding Leicas. I bought a IIIc. I loved it. I bought an M3. I loved it too. I stopped using other cameras. I found the LUG.
> Mostly, I use a Fuji X100S now as I've been in rented accommodation for an unexpected three years with my equipment and cameras in boxes. However, my new house and its extension will be ready in a few months. I will resume developing and printing my own black & white film, and get my M3 out again. However, I'm eyeing a secondhand M9 too, but the house is taking priority. Of course, I'll be staying on the LUG.
> So a big thanks to Walter Kerr for that review of "I am a Camera".

another totally enjoyable check in

thanks Douglas

George Lottermoser 


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