[Leica] Leica prices

lrzeitlin at aol.com lrzeitlin at aol.com
Sun Sep 28 11:34:01 PDT 2014

A curious choice of venues, although perhaps appropriate for the Leica buying crowd. In our fairly affluent part of the Hudson Valley prices for the average home have increased from about $40,000 to $250,000 during the 50 years we have lived in the community. That's only a 6.25 times increase in price. At the time a new cheap car cost $3500, the Sunday NY Times sold for 25 cents, a loaf of bread cost between 10 and 25 cents. Professorial salaries at our college started at $10,000 and went up to a magnificent $20,000. All these things are about 10 to 12 times greater greater today?rather than the 80 times you mention for NYC. So a $2500 film Leica might be reasonable. But not a $5000 to $6000 film Leica. Especially since all the production machinery has been well amortized.?
Larry Z
 Akhil writes:
"Over the same period of time a 'starter' middle class home
in one of NYC's boroughs has gone from ca. 10k to ?800k."

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