[Leica] IMGS: The Orient Express

Tina Manley tmanley at gmail.com
Wed Sep 24 14:25:12 PDT 2014


The train from Hanoi to Sapa was called the Orient Express.  I'm sure it's
not THE Orient Express, at least I hope not.  Everything was total chaos,
from having to pick up the tickets two blocks away but nobody knew where,
to the announcements being only in Vietnamese, to having to walk across the
tracks to find the right train.  We had to find someone who was going on
the same train and spoke Vietnamese and English and follow them!  We ended
up in the wrong car, but the conductor helped us.  Here are some photos of
the train and from the train.  I have lots more from the train ;-)  We rode
overnight and arrived early in the morning.


Hit Next for the next 5.

*C&C greatly appreciated!*


Tina Manley

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