[Leica] Scanner software question

Chris Crawford chris at chriscrawfordphoto.com
Sun Sep 21 22:22:04 PDT 2014


I've used Vuescan for 12 years now with my Nikon 8000ED. You're right, the
interface is clunky and crappy, but the software does produce great scan
quality. Nikon Scan was easier to use, nice interface, but it crashed all
the time, and was incredibly slow. The only other alternative was
Silverfast, but I never tried it due to the cost. It was almost $600 if I
remember correctly for my scanner.

Chris Crawford
Fine Art Photography
Fort Wayne, Indiana

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On 9/22/14 1:11 AM, "Nathan Wajsman" <photo at frozenlight.eu> wrote:

>I actually bought a 35mm film scanner and started using it this weekend.
>Even though this is not a top-end model (Reflecta RPS 7200), the quality
>is still far superior to my Epson flatbed, and at 450 EUR, the investment
>was manageable.
>The scanner came with its scanner software, CyberView, which is passable,
>but I read in some review that Silverfast is better. I also tried Vuescan
>last night, remembering that I used it back in the old days, but it is
>horribly clunky and the user interface has not improved since 10 years
>ago, so I will not be using it.
>What do people use to scan out thereā€¹Tina, Jim Shulman?
>Nathan Wajsman
>Alicante, Spain
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