[Leica] IMG: Today's Harvest

Tina Manley tmanley at gmail.com
Wed Sep 17 13:45:26 PDT 2014


We didn't think we were going to have any peppers this season except for a
few Serranos.  None of the other pepper plants had any peppers on them
until late August.  They have made up for the delay:


I picked 850 Serranos (from 2 plants), 450 Jalepenos, 250 Anaheims, 150
Poplanos, 3 cayennes (I wait for them to turn red) today.  I will be
pickling, canning, freezing, and drying tomorrow.

The plants are all still covered in blooms and small peppers!

C&C greatly appreciated


Tina Manley

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