[Leica] From Photokina

Frank Filippone red735i at verizon.net
Tue Sep 16 08:56:16 PDT 2014

Some P+S new bodies and cameras
Silver finishes on a bunch of already announced lenses (new SKU = new product syndrome)
A rebadged S body
F2.4 versions of the Summarit lineup at more $$$ each
Some Leather cases seemingly a rehash of the old Benser concepts

And an amazing spin story about the CEO of Leica telling the world how the Japanese concept of introducing a new model every 6 months is anti-consumer friendly. 

Overall, to me, a non-new product cycle. 

Introducing an M4 is not what I consider new(s) worthy... Especially at $4750.  Buy my M4-2 and save $3k +++++......

Frank Filippone
Red735i at verizon.net

On Sep 16, 2014, at 3:04 AM, Emanuel Lowi <manolito at videotron.ca> wrote:

An all mechanical M (like a hybrid of the M2/M4) made at Wetzlar again, in luscious black or chrome;


A totally minimalist digital M without any display screen on the back (no menus) and just the most basic controls, in stainless steel.


Sent from my iPhone

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