[Leica] Zeiss 35mm f/1.4 ZM Distagon rumor

Steve Barbour steve.barbour at gmail.com
Sun Sep 7 19:52:20 PDT 2014

Sent from my iPhone
Steve Barbour

On Sep 7, 2014, at 7:48 PM, Richard Man <richard at richardmanphoto.com> wrote:

I think some people still want to use their M lens on a non-M9/M240/MM
body, whether it's for the AF, small size, less costly or whatever reasons.
Not me of course.

Many work fine, the ones that don't ,  don't....

On Sun, Sep 7, 2014 at 7:21 PM, Steve Barbour <steve.barbour at gmail.com>

> Sent from my iPhone
> Steve Barbour
> On Sep 7, 2014, at 7:15 PM, Frank Filippone <red735i at verizon.net> wrote:
> I am surprised no one suggested the obvious.
> Discussed here months ago...
> If you want to use Leica glass on your Sony A7, use R glass. They will not
> have the same set of problems WA M glass have
> And they cost less. A lot less.
> And you do not need to count cams
> Frank Filippone
> Red735i at verizon.net
> On Sep 6, 2014, at 8:57 PM, Frank Dernie <frank.dernie at btinternet.com>
> wrote:
> I think Leica have come up with an offset for the microlenses which is a
> reasonable compromise for the range of exit pupil-to-sensor distances for
> the majority of Leica lenses. Some have the exit pupil even too close for
> this offset and are not recommended but work, obviously, but sub-optimally.
> Sony seem to assume the use of lenses designed for SLRs where the exit
> pupil to sensor distance, even of WA lenses, is considerable. It would seem
> they have made no provision for oblique rays round the periphery, or very
> little. This will probably be OK for most SLR lenses, but can never be
> optimum for rangefinder optimised WA lenses. I don't believe it will be
> technically feasible to design a single lens which will be optimum for both
> Leica and Sony cameras.
> Frank D.
>> On 5 Sep, 2014, at 22:56, Paul Roark <roark.paul at gmail.com> wrote:
>> There is currently no M-mount 35mm that works well on the Sony a7r.  It's
>> more sensitive to ray angle than the Leica M's.  The new Zeiss 35mm f/2
>> "Loxia" (say what?) "Biogon" for the Sony E mount is similar to the ZM
>> version, but not the same.  See
> http://www.zeiss.com/camera-lenses/en_de/camera_lenses/loxia/loxia235.html
>> I would expect Zeiss will coordinate the lines -- ZM and Sony E mount --
> to
>> some extent.
>> Apparently the Leica advantage in terms of the ray angle impact on image
>> edge quality results, in part, from the thickness of the glass covering,
>> not just (or even?) the microlenses, per se.  The Sony cover glass is
> much
>> thicker.  (Why?)
>> I noticed Samsung recently had a press release on a process of theirs
>> ("Isocell") that helps with edge smearing also.  It isolates the pixel
>> cells from each other more effectively, they say.   See
> http://www.samsung.com/global/business/semiconductor/news-events/press-releases/detail?newsId=13041
>> It's interesting to think of each pixel as a separate optical system and
>> what is needed for rays coming into it at different angles to be equally
>> and effectively guided into the cell without any impact on adjacent cells
>> -- not a simple task.
>> It's also interesting to note that it's the cell phone market that has
> much
>> of the action.  The latest photo to be put on my mantle is a cell phone
>> print, and a very good one at that.  Those who criticize Leica for
> turning
>> to a cell phone CMOS source should note that cell phones are also up to a
>> pixel density that would translate into 100 MP for a full frame camera.
> We
>> have a lot more "progress" coming.
>> Paul
>> www.PaulRoark.com
>>> On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 1:55 PM, Sonny Carter <sonc.hegr at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>>> It is supposed to be an M mount, and thus would be usable on both; with
> an
>>> adapter on the A7r.
>>>> On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 3:48 PM, Paul Roark <roark.paul at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> http://leicarumors.com/2014/09/04/a-new-zeiss-distagon-351-4-zm-lens-leica-m-mount-to-be-announced-for-photokina.aspx/
>>>> If true, this is interesting.  I hope they have designed this one to be
>>>> compatible with both the Leica M and Sony a7r.  I'll be more interested
>>> in
>>>> putting money into an optic that can serve both bodies than just one.
>>>> Paul
>>>> www.PaulRoark.com
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>>> Regards,
>>> Sonny
>>> http://sonc.com/look/
>>> Natchitoches, Louisiana
>>> 1714
>>> Oldest Permanent Settlement in the Louisiana Purchase
>>> USA
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