[Leica] Sony A7R and Zeiss FE 55

Paul Roark roark.paul at gmail.com
Mon Sep 1 13:00:23 PDT 2014

Somewhat OT, but relevant to the general area, in my search for an
ultra-wide for the Sony and Leica bodies, I've tested my first new WATE.
 It's going back to Adorama -- defective.  Take a look at a comparison of
the right and left sides (left side made by flipping the camera over), at
f8, infinity stop focus, M9 --
http://www.paulroark.com/WATE-M9-16mm-f8-Edges-Compared.jpg .  The bottom
55% of the edges of the frames are side-by-side.  The center and left edges
are excellent.  All I need is a right side equal to the left side and I'll
be a happy camper -- not sure if that is going to happen.


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