[Leica] A sunrise and a mis-fire

Greg Rubenstein gcr910 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 28 17:13:00 PDT 2014

Summer's waning in Chicago and the lake-front sky is getting interesting.
Posted two shots from today:

One a "pretty picture" of a nearly black-and-white sunrise.


The second, now the highlight for my albums, shows what happens when you
leave the lens cap on, realize it and proceed with the exposure -- with all
the ensuing moving and fiddling. Won't call it art (maybe Nimrod), but fun,
as well as a graphic reminder.


Comment, Critique. Pick on me. On- or off-list.

Post your examples of images started with the lens cap on, which, I
suspect, has happened to at least a few other M shooters.

Greg Rubenstein

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