[Leica] "New" Leica announced

Frank Filippone red735i at verizon.net
Thu Aug 21 11:24:48 PDT 2014

First they try to convince us we don't need no stinking frame selector, that
it is a distraction.  Then they add it back on.
The implication is that only Professionals are capable of using a frame
selector... amateurs are too stupid.

Sapphire glass addition should have been included.... from the first M
(240).  But applause is earned.

I thought Apple was a bit bad for charging an incremental extra $100 per
16GB of internal storage in their iPads.
Leica now wins the cake... $1000 for an extra 1GB.

You need to know that this is, in most likelihood, a one chip change.  Maybe
it is an extra chip, maybe it is just a larger capacity chip.

Less is More.  Except when More is really a LOT More.

I do like the fact that for this model, they have at least stopped using the
M (Type 240+) designator....   Now in 5 years you order a used M-P and you
could get a really rare M2 with Mods, a standard film camera, or a digital
M.  This is what happens when the marketing department has the IQ slightly
below a... never mind, rant over.

Please God, when I am reincarnated, let me come back as the Marketing
Director of Leica M cameras.

Frank Filippone
Red735i at verizon.net

Leica M-P: Mtype 240 with additional 2GB buffer, frame line selector,
Saphire LCD, and cosmetic changes. 
Leica 240 price increased to 7,250 as of 9/1. 

Bob Adler

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