[Leica] Digital Dark Room Advice

George Lottermoser george.imagist at icloud.com
Wed Aug 20 20:34:21 PDT 2014

On Aug 20, 2014, at 7:46 PM, Bob Adler wrote:

> Thanks Tina. Seems that the PDF is recommending:
> Black wall behind you as you sit at the computer. 
> Flat Titanium dioxide white on the ceiling with diffuse light pointing up to the ceiling as the primary light source. 
> Munsell 8 grey (whatever the heck that is) for all the walls, flat paint. 
> Wear a ninja suit. 
> Low (4 lux) light. How do you measure that??
> Blackout curtains...
> Does that seem a correct interpretation? Any idea where to get a source for Munsell 8 to match the paint to? Isn't 4 Lux almost candle light dark?
> Thanks for the article and help!
> Does that seem correct?

B&H has the paint - $90/gallon

I actually got a black Ninja jacket with one of my Radius pro calibration monitors back in the 90s or early 2000s.

I'm doing a new office too.

Interesting topic.

I too would go nuts without windows.
Did that for 20 years and hated it.
So glad to be back in the day light.

I do still have the 5000K light boxes and GTI viewing booth.

Best ideas: neutral dark gray behind you/screen; and shield side lighting.
This only relates to work requiring extremely critical color balances.
Pretty rare today.
We used to have to match fabrics, and product colors.
Those days seem mostly long over.

George Lottermoser 


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