[Leica] IMGS: Bokeh

Mark Rabiner mark at rabinergroup.com
Wed Aug 20 13:35:22 PDT 2014

Some of these kinds of shots if done by people with small sensored cameras
even cell phones would be rendered with everything sharp. No bokeh.  This is
a look people are also quite getting used to nowadays..  And way back when
that was also how most photos looked.  Certainly if the sun was out.
Would that make these pictures here be a lot less effective? Or would it
perhaps even do the opposite? Improve the shot?  Only one way to find out
would would seem to me. And that would be to just go out and do a some shots
along these lines at all the various f stops.  A thing she should do.....
Like maybe go out with a tripod and shoot a few set ups at everything from
the smallest to the largest f stop. Just to see how they all come out...
Is the shot ruined by doing at at f16?
I personally think that sharp in focus backgrounds are over rated as a major
distraction to the effectiveness of the average image.
Historically as in in the past a lot of photographers with tripods and
bigger cameras have done their entire body of work (Atget) their whole lives
with everything in focus and no thought of bokeh as everything they'd ever
shot and everything everyone they ever knew was shot in focus front to back.

Now have options focus wise. There is no rule that says everything has to be
shot wide open. We get what we want in focus front to back no more and no

On 8/20/14 4:04 PM, "Tina Manley" <tmanley at gmail.com> wrote:

> I took 3 photos this morning to try to illustrate what bokeh is, in answer
> to a question from a beginning photographer.  I used the 35/2.0 (king of
> bokeh) Summicron.
> http://www.pbase.com/tinamanley/image/157064814
> http://www.pbase.com/tinamanley/image/157064816
> http://www.pbase.com/tinamanley/image/157064826
> Hit Original to view them larger.
> What do you think?  Do these illustrate bokeh?  What else would you suggest
> to help her understand bokeh?
> Tina

Mark William Rabiner

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