[Leica] Nathan's PAD 15/8/2014: Greg in Chicago

bob palmieri rpalmier at depaul.edu
Wed Aug 20 09:24:45 PDT 2014

Nathan (and LUG folks) - 

Very cool shot of Dan Tamarkin and some of his offerings.  One of the cool things about that facility is that he's devoted about 70% of the publicly accessible footprint to the gallery and 30% to the gear.  In fact, there's tons more Leica stuff not on display.  A couple of times when I've been over there a particular camera model gets mentioned (M2 & IIIg in these cases) - he then disappears and returns seconds later with a Big Box of M2's or IIIg's! 

The shot of Greg is also remarkable in that it shows one of his characteristic Greg moments.  He has a real commitment to precision language, and invariably pulls up exactly the word or phrase he's looking for; this really catches him in the process

Regarding the stuff you saw of mine I think Dan did an excellent job of curation and display.  In fact, as obvious as this may be to many of you, I discovered that them there silver-based B&W prints, all in a line surrounding the viewer with very tweaked out lights shining on them, really look quite good. I recommend that those so inclined get in touch with Dan and submit some stuff.

Sorry we didn't get to meet this time around; hope there will be more opportunities in the future.

Bob Palmieri

Nathan wrote:

One of the pleasures of travelling is to meet fellow members of these lists. So, during my visit to Chicago this weekend, I had the pleasure of getting together with Greg Rubenstein on his home turf, having met him in Barcelona (sort of my home turf) last year. Greg took me on a walkabout to several great places, the highlight of which was Tamarkin, one of the world?s great Leica temples:



The pictures in the background in the first picture are an exhibition by Bob Palmieri, another Chicago-based LUGger whom I did not get to meet this time around, unfortunately, since our schedules were out of synch. But I got got to see his work which is truly amazing.

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