[Leica] Re; Apples and Androids

Frank Filippone red735i at verizon.net
Mon Aug 18 06:35:13 PDT 2014

To save you some time....

To get images into the IPad from your computer, you MUST use iTunes.  You
open a folder on your computer that has the relevant images.  You click on
the images and then mouse-move them over to the iTunes relevant area.  Then
hook up your iPad and synch up the images.  

You can NOT copy/paste them to the iTunes area, it will not work.   You must
mouse-move them over.

It took me an unbelievable time to find this out.   ( as far as I can tell,
this procedure is not written anywhere by Apple.)

If you view or edit any photos, you are doing it to the JPG image or the
embedded JPG in a RAW image file.

I shoot only RAW images, so I have never tried to download a memory card
image directly to the iPad.  I do not know that procedure.

Frank Filippone
Red735i at verizon.net

> So I am now the proud owner of an iPad mini with retina display 32 
> gigs and Wi-Fi only. I'm currently in the throes of setting it up and 
> learning new gestures. No, not that gesture. :-)
> By the way, I dictated this message using the voice recognition.

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