[Leica] Great Sand Dunes National Park

George Lottermoser george.imagist at icloud.com
Sat Aug 9 18:44:16 PDT 2014

Yes. A very spiritual experience.
There's some film and silver prints in the archive somewhere.
As I'm moving in the next couple months;
and never really unpacked from the studio move a couple years ago;
i don't know if I'll ever get back into those old files.

My scanners are out dated and barely functional, SCSI and all.

Long ago I determined that film is best printed by contact or fine enlargers.

If I'm going to print digitally - may as well photograph to a Digital Sensor.

I may change my mind if I ever settle into a work space that will allow me to work with the film. My 3 light tables are all dust covered in a Quonset Building. Can't decide if I'll try and sell them; or scrap them with the enlargers. Saying goodbye to a work-flow, the darkroom, the enlargers, the brown glass, beakers, 30x40 stainless steel trays, stainless steel drying cabinet, 3 stainless sinks. A couple years ago I took a chain saw to the fiberglass sinks… a life, The building that I designed, drew and built… will be leveled and become a parking lot… It's all crazy, sad and depressing… End of era at the end of November… the move starts a week from Monday when we close on the "new" place.

Though BEING THERE AT THE DUNES - with or without a camera - maybe even more spiritual without the camera - remains one of the more awe inspiring places I've been - lost in lines, forms, patterns and rhythms - looking back at only my own foot prints reaching back - seemingly forever into the distance - some of the memories

a note off the iPad, George

On Aug 9, 2014, at 10:38 AM, Howard Ritter <hlritter at bex.net> wrote:

> You’re welcome, George. You’ve been there? Any images to share?

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