[Leica] Photographing a 6, 500 year old mummy (warning: contains photo)

kyle cassidy on the lug leicaslacker at gmail.com
Wed Aug 6 12:03:58 PDT 2014

Mummy photos, behind the scenes, viral whatnots, the Daily Mail crops out my photo credit and many more adventures!

When I heard that Dr. Brad Hafford was hot on the trail of a missing mummy, I knew I wanted in. (Technically it wasn't a mummy, but it's more exciting to say mummy.)

He'd been reading through Sir Leonard Woolley's notes from the 1920’s excavation at the city of Ur for years, so new finds and theories were frequent dinner conversation (my favorite previously were the diary entries in reaction to the dig site getting a Victrola. Some of the potentates really liked it, others thought it distracted the workers, Woolley wrote that the Arab music the staff was listening to was "a cacophony".)

Last week I got a chance, under high security and a strict embargo, to see and photograph the 6,500 year old human remains, lost for 85 years in the basement of a museum.


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