[Leica] Leica Lenses on Sony /A7s

Frank Filippone red735i at verizon.net
Sun Aug 3 14:57:23 PDT 2014

Amen.  But if you use the lens wide open, an EVF is a wonderful tool....

Now this is true no matter camera you use... Bob Adler and I went out
shooting this past week.... I with a M9, he with his ALPA.

Now Bob was focusing in bright sunlight on the side of a building.... ie, a
non-moving subject.  To not saturate his sensor, he had to do this at F32.
We spent a good 15 minutes with his giant ground glass ( Surface Pad with
appropriate SW) to be sure that focus was attained..... Focusing at F32 is
pretty hard to do .....not that it is dark, but that the DOF hides the true
focus plane.....

Clear message... open up that lens to its widest aperture to focus, then
shut down during exposure..... which is what happens automatically to most
all lenses made since 1965 or so...

And in general, does not happen with cross platform lenses and bodies..... 

Frank Filippone
Red735i at verizon.net

> I am now of the firm opinion that Leica M lenses are only suitable for
Leica rangefinder bodies.  No matter what fancy electronic focusing system
is developed in the future there is no way around the fact that you must
focus wide open to nail focus when viewing through the lens.  

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