[Leica] A Productive Eagle Day at the Stand

H&E Cummer cummer at netvigator.com
Mon Jul 28 13:21:23 PDT 2014

Hi Luggers,
I have been busy with cabin visitors and my eagle shooting has been a bit limited.
The eagles aren't coming as frequently either as salmon are swimming nearer and nearer
the shores on their way to their spawning grounds. But this morning was a good sequence.
The water was calm, the eagles came and out of my 400 or so shots, here are four
which I was quite pleased with. All taken with the Nikon D4 and the 80 - 400 VR zoom handheld.

First my favourite - the eagle angled against the far horizon:


and then three more shots of the eagle skimming the water with a reflection in the calm water;




I really am in awe at how the eagles combine their aeronautical skills with

dipping their wings in the water.

Please look large, C&C always welcome, of course.


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