[Leica] Doing OK post-op

Jay Burleson leica at jayburleson.com
Wed Dec 31 17:22:09 PST 2014

That's great Peter!
Let me know when you are back on your feet and we'll try to find a day 
where it isn't raining & have that Thai for lunch...


On 12/31/2014 2:52 PM, Peter Klein wrote:
> Hi, all!  Doing reasonably well after my surgery Monday. Stopped taking the
> "prescription only" pain meds this morning, so hopefully I won't say
> anything too incoherent or embarrassing.  Thanks much for the good wishes,
> and Happy New Year!!
> Dr. Ted will be proud to know that I took a documentary shot of my bandaged
> belly.  The rest of you will be happy to know I didn't post it.  :-)
> --Peter

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