[Leica] 52 best pix of the year

Richard Man richard at richardmanphoto.com
Tue Dec 30 02:27:46 PST 2014

What jumps out at me is actually how international the locales really are -
very few in US, and many in China.

On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 4:26 PM, Mark Rabiner <mark at rabinergroup.com> wrote:

> I got this on my news feed just now 52 best pix of the year from around the
> world and was impressed on the state of the craft as seen by these guys.
> A slew of really impressive shots. A pretty good selection. I'm glad I
> clicked on it.
> http://www.thebaynet.com/news/the-52-best-photographs-from-around-the-world-
> in-2014.html
> Or
> http://tinyurl.com/pkoyow8
> TheBayNet.com | Southern Maryland's Number 1 News Source
> What's in southern Maryland? I just checked ....Washington DC for one!
> If one wanted to ascertain the state of bokeh in lens design based on these
> you'd have a hard time as only a small handful of them like six have any
> out
> of focus areas in them at all. The vast bulk of them are sharp as a tack
> from infinity to the camera.
> Reason?
> There's one reason for it as far as I see it. Instead of shooting at 400 or
> 1600 iso we are not shooting at 64,000 or higher. 3 or 4 stops faster than
> the film era.
> The level of detail in these shots would be a shame to exclude from the
> image. There was no reason to open up your f stops to "isolate" an subject
> area.
> Noise is non existent in any shots I can recall here and sharpness is super
> high.
> If thin sharp areas were ever in fashion and I suspect it never was its
> certainly not now. Even in not brightly lit shots we can now it seems
> easily
> get it all with no flash.
> We need to get it all. And then some.
> My conclusion is its an exciting time to be involved with this whole
> photography thing. I don't see the down slides. I don't see the lose lose.
> I
> don't see the poignant reverences for the sweet days of film.
> And I sure don't see the tele tale brittle soulless "digital look".
> Hand me my SanDisk card I'm ready to roll!
> --
> Mark William Rabiner
> Photographer
> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/lugalrabs/
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